Boolean Operators What it does Google ExampleLinkedin memb Linkedin Example AND Look for profiles with all the keywords in a list Developer AND Javascript Developer AND Javascript OR Look for a profiles with at least of keyword in a list Sales OR Marketing Sales OR Marketing NOT Exclude keyword Consutant NOT Freelancer Consutant NOT Freelancer Quotes Look for exact expressions of several words “Head of Sales” “Head of Sales” Parenthesis.
Combine boolean opératos (VP OR Head) AND (Sales OR seo expate bd Marketing) NOT Assistant (VP OR Head) AND (Sales OR Marketing) NOT Assistant You can click on the links in the table to see concrete examples of what the operators do on Google on Linkedin search. If you want to use boolean operators in Google search, you must include them in these google operators: intitle: intext: inurl: If we take a linkedin recruiting use case, it will look like this.
Site linkedin in intitle:"Senior Developer" intext:javascript OR JS In this search I am looking for people who have: Senior Developer in their job title javascript or JS written somewhere on their profile Here are the results: x ray boolean search To make the same search on Linkedin I would to: Select People Write “Senior Developer” in the job title filter Write javascript or JS in the keyword filter linkedin boolean search x ray equivalent.